Blind Boxes

A blind box is a mystery-packed package hiding a surprise collectible inside. You won't know what you get until you open it, making each box a fun and exciting adventure!

ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
ActionCity Live: tokidoki Tiger Nation - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity

tokidoki Tiger Nation Series

Regular price $166.80
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Terms and Conditions :
1) ActionCity/Big Box International Pte Ltd will not be liable for any defects on the product or packaging box.

2) No refund or exchange will be entertained except in the case of broken or missing parts.Available in single blind box or a case of 12. Seven different designs with the possibility of a secrets (chases) in some of the cases

tokidoki Unicorno Series 4 Metallico - Case of 24 Blind Boxes - ActionCity

tokidoki Unicorno Series 4 Metallico - Case of 24 Blind Boxes

Regular price $405.60
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Terms and Conditions :
1) ActionCity/Big Box International Pte Ltd will not be liable for any defects on the product or packaging box.

2) No refund or exchange will be entertained except in the case of broken or missing parts.Available in a case of 24. Twelve different designs with the possibility of a secrets (chases) in some of the sets by random.
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity
tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 - Case of 12 Blind Boxes - ActionCity

tokidoki Lunar New Year Series 1 Blind Boxes

Regular price $154.80
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

🐉 Spread prosperity and an abundance of luck with tokidoki Lunar New Year series 1. Red collectible is the chaser. Chasers are not guaranteed in every case.

Terms and Conditions :
1) ActionCity/Big Box International Pte Ltd will not be liable for any defects on the product or packaging box.

2) No refund or exchange will be entertained except in the case of broken or missing parts.
